Hi, semua! Salam pertemuan untuk pengunjung blogku. Hari aku ini nk sharing2 ckit tips penjagaan rambut bagi wanita bertudung. He..he..sebenarnya yang tak bertudung pun boleh, apa salahnya. Ilmu kan untuk dikongsi, bukan untuk disimpan. tol x??hehehe...
Mungkin ramai yang tertanya-tanya, penting ke penjagaan rambut bagi wanita bertudung? Bagi aku ia mmg pentinglh tak kiralah bagi wanita atau pun lelaki. Rambut bgku mhkota dri seseorang dan merupakan salah satu anugerah yang dikurniakan kepada kita. Btol tak? Jadi ia bermakna jika kita menghargai anugerah tersebut, itu bermakna kita mensyukuri nikmatNya.
Orrait! Jom kita sama-sama baca tips penjagaan rambut di bawah ni;
Tips 1:
Pilih syampu yang bersesuaian dengan rambut anda. Jika boleh, dapatkan nasihat dari orang yang pakar. Jika anda beli di Guardian atau Watson, tanyalah pada jurujual di situ.
Tips 2:
Jika anda memakai tudung kepala, pastikan rambut anda dikeringkan terlebih dulu tau. Kalau tidak nanti rambut anda akan bermasalah seperti berkelemumur, rambut berbuah, rambut berbau dan rasa tidak selesa seperti pening kepala.
Tips 3:
Semasa anda mengeringkan rambut dengan tuala, cara terbaik ialah melurutkan tuala secara lembut dan perlahan-lahan dari atas hingga ke hujung rambut. Lakukan berulang kali dan biarkan ia kering sendiri. Ingat ye, jangan gosok rambut anda dengan kasar!
Tips 4:
Untuk mengembalikan kesegaran rambut bagi yang bertudung, letakkan santan kelapa di atas rambut. Biarkan ia seketika dan ia lebih berkesan jika dibalut dengan tuala. Langkah seterusnya ialah bilas dengan air bersih dan kemudian basuh rambut dengan menggunakan syampu yang sesuai. Untuk kesan yang terbaik, amalkan cara ini seminggu sekali.
Tips 5:
Sewaktu anda tidak mengenakan tudung, sikatlah rambut anda dan elakkan daripada tidak terurus. Secara tak langsung ia akan memastikan akar rambut dan kulit kepala mendapat pengudaraan yang secukupnya.
Tips 6:
Gunakan air sejuk ketika membasuh rambut untuk kesegaran kulit kepala yang optimum.
Tips 7:
Untuk menghilangkan kelemumur, gosokkan kulit kepala anda dengan limau purut yang telah dihangatkan. Setelah kelemumur gugur, basuh rambut dan kulit kepala anda dengan syampu anti kelemumur dan lebih baik jika ia ada campuran limau purut sekali:D
Tips 8:
Untuk rambut anda berminyak, pilih syampu yang boleh digunakan setiap hari. Faktor-faktor rambut berminyak seperti ketidakstabilan hormon mengakibatkan sebum dikeluarkan secara berlebihan, tekanan yang anda alami, keadaan cuaca panas atau pun anda banyak mengambil makanan yang berlemak.
Tips 9:
Sikat rambut anda bila perlu sahaja. Tapi jangan biarkan ia sampai tak terurus sangat Agak-agak lah yer. Ini kerana jika selalu sangat menyikat rambut, ia menyebabkan kulit kepala menjadi panas dan menghasilkan minyak yang berlebihan. Lepas itu, jangan sikat rambut terlalu kasar. Belailah rambut anda seperti mana anda menyayangi diri anda. he..he..
Tips 10:
Elakkan penggunaan alat pengering rambut supaya rambut tak mudah kusam.
Tips 11:
Jika anda perlu jugak menggunakan alat pengering rambut(hair dryer) kerana nak cepat dsb. Jeng...jeng... Jalan penyelesaiannya ialah;
Sebelum melakukan blow, letakkan foam, setting losyen atau volumizer pada rambut supaya ia mudah didandan. Tujuan foam dan setting losyen adalah sebagai lapisan penghadang di antara rambut dan alat pengering rambut. Ia juga berperanan untuk mengelakkan rambut dari mudah rosak akibat terkena bahang panas alat pengering secara terus ke rambut di samping memudahkan rambut dibentuk.
Tips 12:
Jika tetap memilih penggunaan alat pengering rambut, gunakannya pada suhu yang tinggi. Jangan gunakannya pada suhu yang rendah kerana penggunaan pada suhu rendah akan mengambil masa yang lebih lama untuk mengeringkan rambut anda. Risikonya ialah rambut anda lebih mudah untuk rosak.
Kesimpulannya-jangan guna alat pengering rambut. Jika nak guna jugak, gunakan pelindung seperti foam, setting losyen atau volumizer serta gunakannya pada suhu tinggi. Ok.
Tips 13:
Untuk mendapatkan rambut yang halus, gunakan sikat yang bergerigi penuh dan rapat!
Tips 14:
Elakkan memakai anak tudung atau cekak rambut terlalui ketat. Sebaiknya pastikan ada pengaliran udara yang masuk agar tidak terperap dan mudah berbau.
Orrait lah. Sampai di sini dulu saja yang aku dapat coretkan buat pengunjung2 semua. Mudah-mudahan apa yang ditulis dapat dipraktikkan yer.
Jika masalah anda berjaya diselesaikan, aku turut berasa gembira. Jika tidak, teruskan berusaha dan jangan cepat putus asa! Ini saja yang termampu aku lakukan iaitu tips2 yg berguna..
Sekian, wassalam. Jumpa lagi di lain hari, daaaa...!!!
Saturday, 20 February 2010
Posted by
e_dayah at 19:28
Today dh kne blik ke kolej..huhuhu..mls glew..xpuas lg cuti..mood msh lg di alam percutian.hahahaha...adoi!!naik cuti nie lect msti lumba2 wt midterm..stress..stress..ak dok umh lgsong xngadap buku...tenet jew 24hours..tp even xngadap buku,assignmntku still berjalan...xsbr nk final n cuti sem blik..tis sem rasa cm pnt glew...cpt jew masa berlalu..tis sem plak full of activities n program..so mmg pnt glew sem nie..;))

Wednesday, 17 February 2010
*How to Have The Best Relationship*
Posted by
e_dayah at 23:00
Honesty is always the best policy. To have the best relationships you have to be honest with yourself and with your partner. You can never expect to get what you want or need if you can't admit what those things truly are.
Step 1
It is mandatory that you sit down with yourself and pour over past relationships to figure out what has worked for you and against you in the past. You cannot expect the other person to already know what it is you seek, just as you cannot go into a store and have the sales clerk read your mind about the color of blouse you prefer.
Make list if you need to. What has made you feel content, satisfied? What in your past relationships has made you crazy or unhappy? Contemplate honestly whether or not it was something the other person did or if it your expectations were unrealistic. Honesty starts with you!
Step 2
Communicate! Before delving into the abyss of eternal love (or what you think is eternal love,) talk to your partner. Find out what worked for them in their past relationships, and what didn't work. If you are a woman then it's get pretty easy. Men need to be needed and desired. More importantly, men need to know they have your support! If they feel that you doubt them or their decisions, you risk pushing them away without verbally communicating your feelings.
Step 3
Men respond emotionally to physical contact. Women respond physically to emotional contact. You have to remember what attracted you to your man and how he made you feel in the throws of passion and recreate it every chance you get. Women often wait for their man to give them what they need emotionally before they respond to his physical needs. What so many people do not realize about men is that you have to kick start things. The nature of men and women will never change no matter how unfair or how unbalanced women believe they are. He will respond to you emotionally when you show him you want, desire, and need him.
Step 4
A little trick to making this work for you is to be confident. Show him physical affection, but also let him see you can stand on your own. That will make him WANT to be a rock for you! Men do not, and have never, held a long attraction for a woman who is needy and dependent. Men are turned on by a woman who can stand alone, but they also want to be the one that woman leans on when she is weak.
Step 5
The best relationships and longest marriages are a result of give and take. He is only human, and when you met you were okay with that. He is still the same person, as are you. If you talk about the things most meaningful to you in the early stages of your relationship, you will find ways to work together to make it last ;)
Step 1
It is mandatory that you sit down with yourself and pour over past relationships to figure out what has worked for you and against you in the past. You cannot expect the other person to already know what it is you seek, just as you cannot go into a store and have the sales clerk read your mind about the color of blouse you prefer.
Make list if you need to. What has made you feel content, satisfied? What in your past relationships has made you crazy or unhappy? Contemplate honestly whether or not it was something the other person did or if it your expectations were unrealistic. Honesty starts with you!
Step 2
Communicate! Before delving into the abyss of eternal love (or what you think is eternal love,) talk to your partner. Find out what worked for them in their past relationships, and what didn't work. If you are a woman then it's get pretty easy. Men need to be needed and desired. More importantly, men need to know they have your support! If they feel that you doubt them or their decisions, you risk pushing them away without verbally communicating your feelings.
Step 3
Men respond emotionally to physical contact. Women respond physically to emotional contact. You have to remember what attracted you to your man and how he made you feel in the throws of passion and recreate it every chance you get. Women often wait for their man to give them what they need emotionally before they respond to his physical needs. What so many people do not realize about men is that you have to kick start things. The nature of men and women will never change no matter how unfair or how unbalanced women believe they are. He will respond to you emotionally when you show him you want, desire, and need him.
Step 4
A little trick to making this work for you is to be confident. Show him physical affection, but also let him see you can stand on your own. That will make him WANT to be a rock for you! Men do not, and have never, held a long attraction for a woman who is needy and dependent. Men are turned on by a woman who can stand alone, but they also want to be the one that woman leans on when she is weak.
Step 5
The best relationships and longest marriages are a result of give and take. He is only human, and when you met you were okay with that. He is still the same person, as are you. If you talk about the things most meaningful to you in the early stages of your relationship, you will find ways to work together to make it last ;)

Thursday, 28 January 2010
Posted by
e_dayah at 00:44

nie lar kwn ssh n sng ak skang...huhuhu!!msg2 kaki ckp lps..xde sorok2 dh skang..i lap u lar bella!!mmuahhhx!!

Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Posted by
e_dayah at 23:59
arinie ak xshat..dmam..huhuh..last night struggle stdy 4 my contract quiz..ngh cbuk2 stdy 2 lar mcm2 gdoh muncul..arghhh!!!tension2...huhuhu..kadang2 ssh gk gaul ngn org kg yg otak kolot nie.ssh nk kata tp 2 kenyataannyer yg kne trima..sbr n doa jew yg sntiasa kuatkan ak tok troskan blaja kt kolej kg nie..lg 2thn jew ak kne sbr..pape stdy yg plg 1st..yg lain blh tolak tepi..myb smua yg jd pown ats ketentuan ILLAHI.."segala yg baik dtg dr Allah..segala yg buruk 2 kelemahan manusia 2 sndiri.."tp ak xtkot dgn pew yg dtg jnji kta yakin Allah sntiasa dkt ngn kta..anyway hope u all doakan kjayaan ak k..chow..!!!

Sunday, 24 January 2010
Posted by
e_dayah at 21:20
arghhh!!ari rbu nie adalah ari paling stress cz i got 2 quiz yg kne menghafal..no..no..kira2 ok!huhuh..pg i got usul fiqh 2 n ptg plak de undang2 kontrak..ouh damn!!xleh nk main2 lg..this sem mmg kne struggle hbs so i can fight with other person yg every sem nk lwn ngn i..huhuhu!!go..go cayok dayah..."stdy smart but not stdy hard"..

Wednesday, 20 January 2010
welcome to my new blog...
Posted by
e_dayah at 17:56
hai!!!my name is Nur Hidayah Binti Nyaziz..just call me dayah..i'm taken in Diploma Undang-Undang Syariah..just started with my new blog..so hopefully u will enjoy to visit my new blog...

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